NOTE: The rules about Charitable IRA Rollovers have changed! Learn how this may affect your planned giving options.
It’s a big word used for people with big hearts. It extends beyond annual giving and represents true dedication to a cause. It represents the heart of very special people whose generosity lives on – even after they have passed on.
Your legacy will communicate what you care about. Your volunteer efforts are expressions of your compassion. Your financial gifts fund your caring. With a planned Legacy Gift, funded now or in the future, these communications can continue after your lifetime… even into perpetuity.
For those donors who wish to make a Legacy Gift, United Way of Pioneer Valley offers many services in concert with your financial planner and other advisors.
Through a Legacy Gift you ensure that what is important to you continues to be funded after your life.
How can you be a Philanthropist?
It’s easier than you think. United Way of Pioneer Valley’s “Live United Forever” options go above and beyond annual gifts, benefiting you, your family, and your community for generations to come. Take your pick – and leave your mark!
Pay taxes or make choices. Cash gifts qualify most donors for a full charitable deduction when they itemize their federal income taxes, giving them more of a say in how their dollars are spent.
“Live United Forever” with a gift from your will. Gifts can be designated as outright, residuary, contingency, or restricted bequest.
Appreciated Securities
Transferring shares of stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, which have increased in value, to the United Way of Pioneer Valley is a terrific way to make a charitable gift. You save on taxes twice: You won’t be subject to the capital gains tax, plus you earn a charitable deduction for the current value of the security. To learn more, please read this updated overview of donating appreciated securities. Also, this form is available to guide you.
Charitable Trusts
United Way of Pioneer Valley can be named as the ultimate beneficiary of a charitable remainder trust or the income beneficiary of a charitable lead trust. Both are highly effective estate planning tools that can benefit donors now or later.
Life Insurance
United Way of Pioneer Valley can be named as the beneficiary of a new or existing life insurance policy. If United Way of Pioneer Valley is also named as the owner of the policy, all of the donor’s premium payments are charitable deductions.
Retirement Plans
Significant tax benefits can be gained by naming United Way of Pioneer Valley as residual beneficiary of retirement plan assets. This option allows a donor to defer a gift to the end of his or her lifetime, reduce the size of the estate, and meet charitable objectives.
Appreciated Property
Gifts of securities and real property may provide important tax advantages. Their full fair market value is deductible as a charitable contribution with certain limitations.
Charitable Gift Annuities
This gifting technique is an outright gift of cash, securities or other property to United Way of Pioneer Valley made during a donor’s lifetime in return for the organization’s promise to pay a lifetime annuity income to the donor.
A Planned Gift Letter of Intent
A Perpetual Annual Giving Endowment (PAGE) is a permanent fund dedicated to endowing your unrestricted annual community campaign gift to United Way of Pioneer Valley. A PAGE gift is not intended to take the place of any part of an annual gift—instead, it is a lasting legacy that will continue to make an unrestricted annual gift to the campaign in perpetuity on your behalf. For more information, see: Planned Giving LOI.
Create Your Plan
What plan is best for you? Explore a variety of planned gift options to meet your needs and your goals. View your own personal illustration to see the benefits of a plan. It really is easy, all of the tools and resources are just a click away.
- Guide to Wills
- Personal Planner
- What to Give
- Planned Gift Calculator
- How to Give
- And more…
Click here to find all of the resources above that will help you create a plan that is best for you.