Springfield, MA (11/22/2024) — United Way of Pioneer Valley (UWPV) is pleased to announce the next OnBoard matching event will be held on Thursday, December 12, 2024 from 5 PM until 7 PM on the first floor of Tower Square in Springfield. Drinks and hors d’oeuvres catered by White Lion Brewery.
The OnBoard matching event is part of a leadership development program that connects interested, talented individuals with area nonprofit organizations looking to attract new committee and Board members to their work. It is a wonderful opportunity for potential volunteers to expand their talents, and for local service agencies to connect with a diverse audience. This is also a great opportunity to learn more about the work of agencies in your community.
Join us on December 12th to mingle and connect with like-minded individuals. If you are interested in learning more about area nonprofits and their work or would like to explore board seats, board-level committees and other volunteer opportunities, contact Alexandra Maggio at amaggio@uwpv.org or 413-693-0212.