United Way of Pioneer Valley doesn't want you to have to choose between putting food on the table or taking your prescriptions. Whether you are insured or uninsured, if you have high medication costs, we partnered with with SingleCare to help our community spend less money on medications.
There’s no registration or eligibility criteria required. Anyone can sign up for prescription discounts.
How to get free prescription savings
It’s free and easy to save on your prescriptions. SingleCare works directly with pharmacies to negotiate up to 80% of prescription costs. There is no copay, and the card can be used separate from health insurance. Depending on your Medicare prescription plan and your prescriptions themselves, SingleCare's price may be lower than your prescrition copay.
Sign up for Singlecare, look up pharmacy prices, or download the mobile app at the links below.
Show your pharmacist the SingleCare card every time you fill prescription. This allows you to get the lowest price possible – from SingleCare, from the pharmacy, or from your insurance.